sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2021

Saint Swithin

Have you ever felt that connected with someone besides the voice that lives inside your head?
Have you ever had someone making you feel confident and secured without saying anything? Someone reading the invisible subtitles you're always giving away and no one understands. Someone knowing if you are happy or sad just by looking into your eyes.
A person which hug is the one who embraces the whole world. It's not someone you would feel the need and hurry to be side by side but someone you would like to meet again sometime someday just to laugh.
I know a couple of friends just like the description above. I can hear a crowd gossiping about how these two hypothetical people are meant for each other even though their knot is not for a lifetime.
When something actually happened it was one sided by both of them. Now it's the nothing's side. Just two good friends who got to know so much about each other without saying even a word. It's not a so called romance being narrated by a hidden voice actor about how things will turn up to be a novel. It's life. 
These two don't know about the shallow surface that goes within the skin. They know their deeps. They didn't spend lots of adventures together but shared lots of emotions being alone. Although their friendship is lit I think they are no fit. Their tastes are way too different. I have to repeat myself one more time: this is not a love story, right? This is a story about two people who know each other for a very long time.
Maybe these two can meet again sometime, someday in somewhere so unpredictable again. It's like a parallel world. They do not think of one and another, they just are free to be and suddenly meet again. 

May we meet again.